Free Software and Firmware Upgrade

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Phased Array Conventional Postprocessing Phased Out

ISONIC 3510T Software for W'10 instruments
Latest update: 2024-12-15 / SW Version:
  • Download file into computer then extract all its contents into a separate folder on the hard disk, for example C:\ISONIC3510TUPGR
  • Copy directory ISONIC3510TUPGR and all its contents onto USB Memory stick
  • Switch ISONIC 3510T instrument ON
  • On receiving ISONIC 3510T start screen click on Exit to Windows
  • Insert USB Memory stick into USB port of ISONIC 3510T instrument
  • Double Click on Computer icon
  • Find icon related to connected memory stick (disk on key) and explore it
  • Double click the icon of ISONIC3510TUPGR folder
  • Run I3510TSetup.exe program located in that folder

  • Important:To return to the earlier software release download file and proceed in the same manner
Note: In order to control ISONIC 3510T remotely through LAN using the resources of an external PC for the operative indication, data processing, imaging, and acquisition the same software should be installed in the PC that running either under Win'7 or Win'8 or Win'10 or Win'11. To install software in the PC follow the same rules as for the instrument but upon the setup routine started:
  • uncheck the option Start software on system startup
  • check the option Install Client Only
  • click on the Install button
ISONIC 3510 / 3510T Operating Tutorials

ISONIC 3510 Software for W'7PRO instruments
Latest update: 2024-12-15 / SW Version:
  • Download file into computer then extract all its contents into a separate folder on the hard disk, for example C:\ISONIC3510UPGR
  • Copy directory ISONIC3510UPGR and all its contents onto USB Memory stick
  • Switch ISONIC 3510 instrument ON
  • On receiving ISONIC 3510 start screen click on Exit to Windows
  • Insert USB Memory stick into USB port of ISONIC 3510 instrument
  • Double Click on Computer icon
  • Find icon related to connected memory stick (disk on key) and explore it
  • Double click the icon of ISONIC3510UPGR folder
  • Run I3510Setup.exe program located in that folder

  • Important:To return to the earlier software release download file and proceed in the same manner
Note: In order to control ISONIC 3510 remotely through LAN using the resources of an external PC for the operative indication, data processing, imaging, and acquisition the same software should be installed in the PC that running either under Win'7 or Win'8 or Win'10 or Win'11. To install software in the PC follow the same rules as for the instrument but upon the setup routine started:
  • uncheck the option Start software on system startup
  • check the option Install Client Only
  • click on the Install button
ISONIC 3510 / 3510T Operating Tutorials

ISONIC 2009 UPA Scope Software for W'7PRO Instruments 1 X 64:64 / 2 X 32:32 Phased Array and 8 Conventional Channels
Latest update: 2024-12-15 / SW Version:
  • Download file into computer then extract all its contents into a separate folder on the hard disk, for example C:\ISONIC2009UPGR
  • Copy directory ISONIC2009UPGR and all its contents onto USB Memory stick
  • Switch ISONIC 2009 instrument ON
  • On receiving ISONIC 2009 start screen click on Exit to Windows
  • Insert USB Memory stick into USB port of ISONIC 2009 instrument
  • Double Click on Computer icon
  • Find icon related to connected memory stick (disk on key) and explore it
  • Double click the icon of ISONIC2009UPGR folder
  • Run I2009Setup.exe program located in that folder

  • Important:To return to the earlier software release download file and proceed in the same manner
Note: In order to control ISONIC 2009 UPA Scope remotely through LAN using the resources of an external PC for the operative indication, data processing, imaging, and acquisition the same software should be installed in the PC that running either under Win'7 or Win'8 or Win'10 or Win'11. To install software in the PC follow the same rules as for the instrument but upon the setup routine started:
  • uncheck the option Run on Windows startup
  • check the option Install Client Only
  • click on the Install button
Download Operating Manual – latest release

ISONIC 2009 UPA Scope Software for W'7PRO Instruments 1 X 64:64 / 2 X 32:32 Phased Array and 1 Conventional Channel
Latest update: 2024-12-15 / SW Version:
  • Download file into computer then extract all its contents into a separate folder on the hard disk, for example C:\ISONIC2009UPGR
  • Copy directory ISONIC2009UPGR and all its contents onto USB Memory stick
  • Switch ISONIC 2009 instrument ON
  • On receiving ISONIC 2009 start screen click on Exit to Windows
  • Insert USB Memory stick into USB port of ISONIC 2009 instrument
  • Double Click on Computer icon
  • Find icon related to connected memory stick (disk on key) and explore it
  • Double click the icon of ISONIC2009UPGR folder
  • Run I2009Setup.exe program located in that folder

  • Important:To return to the earlier software release download file and proceed in the same manner
Note: In order to control ISONIC 2009 UPA Scope remotely through LAN using the resources of an external PC for the operative indication, data processing, imaging, and acquisition the same software should be installed in the PC that running either under Win'7 or Win'8 or Win'10 or Win'11. To install software in the PC follow the same rules as for the instrument but upon the setup routine started:
  • uncheck the option Run on Windows startup
  • check the option Install Client Only
  • click on the Install button
Download Operating Manual – latest release

ISONIC 2010 Software for W'7PRO Instruments 1 X 32:32 / 2 X 16:16 Phased Array and 1 Conventional Channel
Latest update: 2024-10-10 / SW Version:
  • Download file into computer then extract all its contents into a separate folder on the hard disk, for example C:\ISONIC2010UPGR
  • Copy directory ISONIC2010UPGR and all its contents onto USB Memory stick
  • Switch ISONIC 2010 instrument ON
  • On receiving ISONIC 2010 start screen click on Exit to Windows
  • Insert USB Memory stick into USB port of ISONIC 2010 instrument
  • Double Click on Computer icon
  • Find icon related to connected memory stick (disk on key) and explore it
  • Double click the icon of ISONIC2010UPGR folder
  • Run I2010Setup.exe program located in that folder

  • Important:To return to the earlier software release download file and proceed in the same manner
Note: In order to control ISONIC 2010 remotely through LAN using the resources of an external PC for the operative indication, data processing, imaging, and acquisition the same software should be installed in the PC that running either under Win'7 or Win'8 or Win'10 or Win'11. To install software in the PC follow the same rules as for the instrument but upon the setup routine started:
  • uncheck the option Run on Windows startup
  • check the option Install Client Only
  • click on the Install button
Download Operating Manual – latest release

ISONIC 2010 Software for W'7PRO Instruments 1 X 32:32 / 2 X 16:16 Phased Array and 2 Conventional Channels
Latest update: 2024-10-10 / SW Version:
  • Download file into computer then extract all its contents into a separate folder on the hard disk, for example C:\ISONIC2010UPGR
  • Copy directory ISONIC2010UPGR and all its contents onto USB Memory stick
  • Switch ISONIC 2010 instrument ON
  • On receiving ISONIC 2010 start screen click on Exit to Windows
  • Insert USB Memory stick into USB port of ISONIC 2010 instrument
  • Double Click on Computer icon
  • Find icon related to connected memory stick (disk on key) and explore it
  • Double click the icon of ISONIC2010UPGR folder
  • Run I2010Setup.exe program located in that folder

  • Important:To return to the earlier software release download file and proceed in the same manner
Note: In order to control ISONIC 2010 remotely through LAN using the resources of an external PC for the operative indication, data processing, imaging, and acquisition the same software should be installed in the PC that running either under Win'7 or Win'8 or Win'10 or Win'11. To install software in the PC follow the same rules as for the instrument but upon the setup routine started:
  • uncheck the option Run on Windows startup
  • check the option Install Client Only
  • click on the Install button
Download Operating Manual – latest release

ISONIC 2010 EL Software for W'7PRO Instruments 1 X 16:16 Phased Array and 1 Conventional Channel
Latest update: 2024-10-10 / SW Version:
  • Download file into computer then extract all its contents into a separate folder on the hard disk, for example C:\ISONIC2010_EL_UPGR
  • Copy directory ISONIC2010_EL_UPGR and all its contents onto USB Memory stick
  • Switch ISONIC 2010 EL instrument ON
  • On receiving ISONIC 2010 EL start screen click on Exit to Windows
  • Insert USB Memory stick into USB port of ISONIC 2010 EL instrument
  • Double Click on Computer icon
  • Find icon related to connected memory stick (disk on key) and explore it
  • Double click the icon of ISONIC2010_EL_UPGR folder
  • Run I2010Setup.exe program located in that folder

  • Important:To return to the earlier software release download file and proceed in the same manner
Note: In order to control ISONIC 2010 EL remotely through LAN using the resources of an external PC for the operative indication, data processing, imaging, and acquisition the same software should be installed in the PC that running either under Win'7 or Win'8 or Win'10 or Win'11. To install software in the PC follow the same rules as for the instrument but upon the setup routine started:
  • uncheck the option Run on Windows startup
  • check the option Install Client Only
  • click on the Install button
Download Operating Manual – latest release

ISONIC XY SCAN (PANELSCAN): C-Scan Compression Wave 0-deg Inspection of the Panels / Tubes Made of Composites, Metals, etc using Linear Array Probes with the use of
  • ISONIC 2009 UPA Scope W'7PRO Instruments
  • ISONIC 2010 W'7PRO Instruments
  • ISONIC 3510 W'7PRO Instruments
  • ISONIC 3510T W'10 Instruments
  • Latest update: 2024-09-26 / SW Version:
    • Download file into computer then extract all its contents into a separate folder on the hard disk, for example C:\ISONIC_PA_XY_Scan_Setup
    • Run XYScanSetup.exe program located in that folder

    • Important:To return to the earlier software release download file and proceed in the same manner

    Note: The ISONIC XY SCAN (PANELSCAN) software package may be installed in the PC for the remote control of ISONIC 3510T, ISONIC 3510, ISONIC 2010, ISONIC 2009 UPA Scope over LAN. The resources of an external PC for the operative indication, data processing, imaging, and acquisition are used by the software. The PC may be running either under Win'7 or Win'8 or Win'10 or Win'11

    ISONIC EXPERT DUET / DUET_M: Software Package for the Inspection of
    Planar Butt Welds / Circumferential Welds / Longitudinal Welds
    with the use of
  • ISONIC 2009 UPA Scope W'7PRO Instruments
  • ISONIC 2010 W'7PRO Instruments
  • ISONIC 3510 W'7PRO Instruments
  • ISONIC 3510T W'10 Instruments
  • Organized as 2 X 32:32 / 2 X 16:16 PA and Pair of PA Probes Combining Sector / Linear Scan Pulse Echo Techniques, TOFD Technique, and Pitch-Catch K-Pattern Technique for the Detection of Transversal Cracks - Strip Chart Recording and True-To-Geometry Imaging

    Latest update: 2024-09-26 / SW Version:
    • Download file into computer then extract all its contents into a separate folder on the hard disk, for example C:\ISONIC_EXPERT_DUET_setup
    • Run IDuetSetup.exe program located in that folder

    • Important:To return to the earlier software release download file and proceed in the same manner
    Note: The ISONIC EXPERT DUET / DUET_M software package may be installed in the PC for the remote control of ISONIC 3510T, ISONIC 3510, ISONIC 2010, ISONIC 2009 UPA Scope over LAN. The resources of an external PC for the operative indication, data processing, imaging, and acquisition are used by the software. The PC may be running either under Win'7 or Win'8 or Win'10 or Win'11

    ISONIC EXPERT DUET RAIL: Software Package for the Inspection of Welds in the Railway Rails Using ISONIC 3510 / ISONIC 3510T Instruments and Pair of PA Probes - Strip Chart Recording and True-To-Geometry Imaging
    Latest update: 2024-09-26 / SW Version:
    • Download file into computer then extract all its contents into a separate folder on the hard disk, for example C:\ISONIC_EXPERT_DUET_RAIL_setup
    • Run IDuetRailSetup.exe program located in that folder

    • Important:To return to the earlier software release download file and proceed in the same manner
    Note: The ISONIC EXPERT DUET / DUET_M software package may be installed in the PC for the remote control of ISONIC 3510T, ISONIC 3510 over LAN. The resources of an external PC for the operative indication, data processing, imaging, and acquisition are used by the software. The PC may be running either under Win'7 or Win'8 or Win'10 or Win'11

    ISONIC Color Template Creator: Software Utility of for PC and ISONIC 3510T / ISONIC 3510 / ISONIC 2010 / ISONIC 2009 UPA Scope Instruments of All Configurations - Cusromizing color pallettes the data imaging whilst operating the units in PA modality and at the porstptocessing stage
    Latest update: 2016-03-01 / SW Version:
    • Download file into computer then extract all its contents into a separate folder on the hard disk, for example C:\ISONIC Color Template Creator Setup
    • Run ISONIC Color Template Creator.exe program located in that folder

    • Important:To return to the earlier software release download file and proceed in the same manner
    Note: The ISONIC Color Template Creator software package should be installed in the PC that may be running either under Win'7 or Win'8 or Win'10 or Win'11 and in the ISONIC 2009 UPA Scope / ISONIC 2010 / ISONIC 3510 Instruments of All Configurations

    Inspection Software Package: Automatic Inspection of Girth Welds with Multi-Zonal Discrimination and Simultaneous Use of PA, TOFD, and Conventional PE Probes According to ASTM 1961 with ISONIC PA AUT Instrument
    Latest update: 2014-10-26 / SW Version:

    To get upgraded e-mail serial # of your ISONIC PA AUT instrument to

    Note: This software package should be installed in the PC that may be running either under Win'7 or Win'8 or Win'10 or Win'11

    Inspection Software Package: ASME 2235 Compatible Automatic / Semi-Automatic Multi-Group Inspection of Welds with Simultaneous Use of PA, TOFD, and Conventional PE Probes with ISONIC PA AUT Instrument
    Latest update: 2014-10-26 / SW Version:

    To get upgraded e-mail serial # of your ISONIC PA AUT instrument to

    Note: This software package should be installed in the PC that may be running either under Win'7 or Win'8 or Win'10 or Win'11