Recent Advances in the Ultrasonic Inspection Recording and Reporting – Instrumentation

Vlad Moshkovich, Alex Passi, Garri Passi

Part 1: Simplified Rapid Imaging of the Separate Sections of the Test Objects – Classification of the B-Scans

Table of Contents


1. True-to-Location (Encoded) and Time-based (Timed) B-Scan

2. Thickness profile B-Scan - B-Scan(Th)

3. Multiecho Ampliude Straight Beam Inspection B-Scan - B-Scan(A)

4. RF B-Scan (TOFD Map)

5. Enhanced Â-Scan with Angle and Skip Distance Correction and Capturing and Storing of all A-Scans (B-Scan-Enh)
